I Bought Replica Designer On Instagram
When looking through the Instagram I noticed a couple of pieces that I loved and wanted to buy so I went with a Gucci disco replica bag as I've actually been looking at purchasing the real bag myself which is £805 but the replica was only £65. Obviously I was sceptical about the quality but when it arrived I was really impressed, having seen the real version in store I was able to judge the bag against the real one. The quality of the bag is exceptional just looking at it I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the two which is something you don't really see with replicas.
Before I used the bag I wanted to look at the little details of the bag such as the zip and the stitching, which is where replicas tend to be done cheaper than designer bags so the quality can be a bit rubbish. I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the zipper, it zippes really smooth unlike many dupes. Along with it working well the metal detailing such as the zip and the top of the tassle all have a great finish to them, they are really high quality for £65 bag. Another detail of the bag that I thought was good quality was the strap, with a lot of replicas the straps tend to differ but the quality and style of the strap was the same again. I don't like most bags unless I can put them across my body and the length of the bag was perfect for that. To sum the bag up it really is a great replica and I'll definitely be ordering from them again, I may even order the same bag in a different colour if they have them because the bags just the perfect size for both during the day and to use on nights out or to events.

As you can see from the pictures you can't really see a difference between the real and the replica. From the feel of the bag to the smaller details it's really difficult to actually tell the bags apart which is ridiculous to say there's more than a £700 price difference.
So if you love designer products but are on a budget, maybe your a student or just low on cash but want to treat yourself these replicas are great for the price. They'd also make a great christmas present for a loved one. Now I know some people are against buying replicas but some people can't afford them through no fault of their own so it's great when they can experience great quality replicas for a lot cheaper. Make sure you check out their Instagram, they sell some amazing bags but also shoes, jewelry and more.
Check out their Instagram for all the goodies: Roses_reps.x
My Links:
Instagram: @styled_by_rosiep
Youtube: Styled By Rosie P
Collaboration enquiries: styledbyrosiep@gmail.com
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