How To Trick Your Boyfriend Into Getting You A Pet
Recently I moved in with my boyfriend and after living together for about two weeks his friend needed someone to look after a kitten for a week till it could be taken to it's new home so he let me look after the kitten for a week because I really wanted a kitten or a puppy. I always knew we'd end up keeping the kitten once he got attached to it so basically all you need to do is get your boyfriend attached to the pet.

- Make him hold the kitten so he gets attached
- Take him to buy toys for the kitten so he gets attached
- Make him play with the kitten so he gets attached
- Send him cute pictures when he's working so he gets attached
- Let the kitten sleep in the bed so he gets attached
- Cuddle the kitten around him so he sees how happy you are and gets attached
- Take him and the kitten in the garden to play so he gets attached
- Watch him take a million pictures of the kitten because he's attached
- Make him send pictures to his friends once he's attached so they know he's attached
- Keep the kitten because he's attached

In the end the kitten couldn't go to its new home as the house was not allowed pets and Matt agreed to keep the kitten without even asking me what I though so getting him attached really worked.
P.s if you didn't get that this was just a big joke it was a joke, I didn't force him to get attached or keep the kitten
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Instagram: @styled_by_rosiep
Youtube: Styled By Rosie P
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