Tips for healthy hair

Unlike most bloggers I don't really have a beauty routine and I'm not really the type of person who spends a lot of time on my appearance I usually just hope I can wing it and look acceptable. One thing I do take care of is my hair, I've always taken care of my hair and I've learnt a couple of tricks over the years to help keep your hair happy and healthy so I thought I'd share a couple with you today.

1) After showering try not to let your hair dry naturally, allowing your hair to dry naturally can cause more damage than blow drying your hair. This is due to the fact that when your hair is wet it holds the water and stretches. The longer it is left in contact with the water the more pressure is put on the hair and the proteins that keep the hair in tact. This means that the hair becomes weaker and may snap if left to air dry. The best way to dry hair is on a low near with a hair dryer and to make sure to not hold the hair dryer too close to your hair.

2) When washing your hair use conditioner before shampoo! If you have thin or fine hair you will find this extremely beneficial! Studies suggest that conditioning before shampooing helps keep the hair light and healthy whereas conditioning after shampooing can leave your hair feeling heavy.

3) Coconut oil! If you have dry hair that tends to frizz at the ends popping a bit of coconut oil on the ends of your hair before you go to bed once a week and washing it off in the morning will help replenish your dry ends. Coconut oil will also help your hair grow faster and thicker!

4) Try to not brush your hair when it is wet. Brushing your hair is one of the biggest causes of hair brackage and snapping.

5) Sleep on a silk pillowcase. Using a silk pillowcase instead of a cotton pillowcase has positive effects as a silk pillowcase is softer on the hair when you're tossing and turning in the night which prevents breakage and moisture loss.

6) Make a homemade hair mask using olive oil, grape seed oil and avocado!

7) Don't wash your hair everyday! Washing your hair everyday dries out your hair and strips it of a lot of your natural oils.

These are just a couple of tips to help keep your hair healthy. If you have any tips and tricks to keeping your hair happy and healthy let me know!


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